In true fashion, I'm last minute with this post! Like everyone, time just got away from me the past couple of weeks. The good news? A lot of this stuff is now on sale - so if you fancy a last minute dash around the shops for a little sparkle, then look no further! Click on any of the images below for a direct link to each item.
I'm old now so NYE doesn't have the same appeal. You actually start to think about things before you go out… I wonder how we'll get home… it's going to be rammed… I bet we won't get a seat… I'm not standing… it's raining, we're going to be slopping around trying to get a taxi etc. etc. etc.
When did I become so boring? Oh yes, since I had a toddler swinging out of my head at 7am. I should say that this year I'm going to make an effort! I mean, it is my birthday after all and I'll be at home with babysitters on tap so I plan on taking advantage. Thanks Mammy!
Anyway, I'm currently folding 6 loads of washing, wrapping presents and packing for 3 people. I'm leaving in a few hours to go down to the country for the next couple of weeks. Can't wait to be waited on hand and foot (and to also be regularly scolded) Yipee! Wishing everyone a very happy and peaceful Christmas.
J x
Ps. I'llllll probably still wear my black jeans and black top though. Again.
River Island