I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. I'm slowly coming out of my food coma and trying to get back to normal. We spent all of Christmas and New Year between our parents houses and arrived home to chaos, mountains of washing and so much unpacking that I just can't face. I've also had a dose all week. Fun times.
I usually leave the tree up until little Christmas on January 6th but when we came back home it was completely dead and I just had to get rid of it straight away! Deep cleaning will start on Monday and I've been invading Lidl for fresh flowers! I love replacing the tree and garlands with beautiful bunches of blooms. As much as I adore Christmas, it's like seeing your home through different eyes when the decorations are gone. The house always feels like a bit of a novelty in January!
It's also that time of year again, when I make massive promises to myself and break every one of them before the week is out. This year I wanted my resolutions to be really realistic and to improve my life without changing things completely - because let's face it, I will never have a personal trainer, eat mince for my breakfast or even stay on top of emails every single day. I just need a little balance.
I started this blog mostly for myself as an outlet for everything that makes me happy (I still can't believe that actual people read it). So this year I really want to ease my workload a bit and hang out here a little more.
Here's a few more things I'm hoping to change this year...
I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm finally giving my beloved soaps the chop. Anyone who knows me, knows I'm obsessed with Corrie and Emmerdale (I hate Eastenders). I've already stopped the series link on Sky and I'm actually having palpitations. Like, what is going to happen when they find the video recording of Emma and Ashley and it all comes out about who killed James?? Ok, ok I've lost half of you now, anyway that is going to be my toughest one.
The reason? It's too time consuming and I'm trying to make use of every available second with family and friends this year. My busy work schedule sometimes stops me from seeing all the people I love and spending quality time with everyone but I certainly don't want watching the soaps to be the reason that I'm missing out.
Well, this is the year I have to cut out my frivolous spending and get my head down and save. If we don't have a house by next year, I fear that Shane is going to spontaneously combust! What is it with men that makes them recoil at the thought of paying rent? He's so sick of hearing me say... "it'll be grand, we'll get something". Sooo.. packed lunches it is and my weekly trips to Zara will soon be a long forgotten dream - *sob.
Now, I'm not talking about the latest hi-tech facial, liposuction (*sigh), trips to the beauty hall in Brown Thomas or even fancy meals. I'm simply talking about treating myself to all the necessary things that a woman needs to stay healthy. I'm talking about some gentle exercise (strolls through the Pavilions don't count), vitamins, more water, less lounging and "female checks".
I completely neglected myself in 2016. I ignored a problem wisdom tooth until I was left bed ridden. I drink virtually no water and because I fall asleep on the couch almost every night, I seldom take my makeup off before bed. I can hear all my skincare obsessed friends screaming from here! I really want to try to change that. I feel like I've aged a lot in the last couple of years and I think most of it is unnecessary because it's all a matter of just using my time more wisely (and maybe replacing the odd glass of wine with a litre of water).
Getting to bed earlier is something that I really want to work on. I've just kinda turned into a night owl in the last couple of years and now I can't seem to get to bed before 1am. I think it started when Tom came along and I found that I could only get things done when he went to bed, now I think I just love the alone time and seem to stay up even when there is nothing to do. Seeing as I've given up the soaps, I should have a gap in the evening to get all those annoying little jobs done. Early to bed and early to rise will be my new motto, hopefully.
Soooo... that's my plan for the year. Exciting, huh? Mmmm… what are the odds that this day next month I'm asleep on the couch with a full face of makeup, glass of red on the floor, the Dingles fightin' on the telly and I'm surrounded by Zara bags?
Anywho, I'm off to clear out all my drawers and presses, organise my magazines and desperately try to save some of my poor dying plants.
Oh! Happy New Year everyone!
J x
Ps. All of these images are from my Pinterest account because my house was too dirty and my lidl flowers didn't quite cut it!