Being a wedding hairstylist, I'm always asked by people - how will I prepare my hair for my wedding? For me, the answer is always the same. It's not so much the condition of the hair that you should worry about, but more importantly it's about picking a style that works with your hair or alternatively (and what happens more often than not) it's about changing your hair a little to suit the style that you have fallen in love with .
Today, I'm going to talk through some of the most requested wedding hair styles and I will tell you what you can do with your hair to help you achieve this look. I hope it helps.
All photographs were taken by me, apart from the amazing main image of the beautiful Caroline, who was an absolute joy to work with, captured by the wonderful Sosac Photography
People have a tendency to start letting their hair grow as soon as they get engaged, so that they have "more options"! What most brides are surprised to find out, is that a lot of the time mid-length layered hair is the best type of hair to create those soft pin-ups that everyone wants. If you look really closely at all the inspirational images that you keep pinning on Pinterest, you will see that most of them have shorter layers and the hair that falls loosely around the face doesn't go past the jawbone. I find that hair any longer than this, when left out, can look really contrived and quite "debs-y". When the hair is long, straight and without layers, it's really hard to create movement and it tends to look quite lacklustre.
Another important thing to remember with this style is your hair colour. Have you noticed something on Pinterest? They are ALL blonde! Now you don't need to go full on peroxide but there can be an incredible difference simply by introducing just a couple of really soft highlights. Brown/black hair just doesn't photograph as well as blonde hair and all that lovely texture and softness that comes so easily to the blondes, can end up looking a little frizzy and blocky on darker locks.
With these pretty half-ups, it's really important to remember that though you may think that you have thick hair, you will be losing half of it by pinning it up!
That's why, in my opinion, most people could do with a couple of clip-in extensions for thickness and volume. You really want the hair that's left down to be luscious and full looking and not to appear "gappy", if you know what I mean? I generally prefer the extensions not to be any longer than the natural hair, as you want the hair to look thick and healthy, not to look like extensions.
Layers are also needed to create soft, even and full looking curls/waves and I think this style looks beautiful with all hair colours.
It is really important to be realistic when it comes to your wedding hair. I know that sometimes we just have this image of what we want to look like and nothing else will do - BUT if you find yourself repeatedly saying that you want your hair down but it never holds, then you already know that it is going to be difficult to get your hair to last all day, no matter who's styling it. Hairstylists can only do so much. What I can offer, is some advice to possibly help your hair to hold a little better on the day.
First off, make sure that your hair is layered. Hair without layers will be very difficult to hold any sort of a wave and if it does hold, it tends to morph into little ringlets as the day goes on. Not cute.
Stay away from any sort of hair masques or treatments in the run up to your wedding as hair holds SO much better when it is a little dry! That's why the blondes get away with murder! Who knew all that bleach would work in your favour someday!
Lastly, clip-in extensions will work amazingly for those people whose hair is slippy, fine and straight. They will add volume and more importantly as your own hair starts to drop, the extensions will hold the wave and help disguise your natural hair.
J x