I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. It was a very busy one for me getting lots of lovely ladies ready for their special day. Congratulations Dee, Claire and Christina!!
A trend that I've really noticed this year with weddings and especially with my bookings for next year is that bigger bridal parties are on the up! This can only mean one thing - more expense for you. It can also be really hard to please everyone. If you have four girls, you have four different body shapes, styles and personalities to cater for and I know things can get… lets say…tricky.
To help you out, I've found some lovely dresses on Asos for under €100 and the great thing about some of these is that they have the same style dress with different cuts and lengths, so hopefully you will be able to keep everyone happy and if not they can just suck it up and do what they're told! Ha!
Hopefully your Monday is quick and painless. Here's to a peaceful week ahead.
J x